march 1, 2021 |
March Events
3/23/21 (Tues.) CLE event at noon 3/31/21 (Wed.) Bench/Bar Listening Session 12:15 April Events 4/20/21 (Tues.) CLE event at noon May Events 5/18/21 (Tues.) CLE event at noon 5/26/21 (Wed.) Bench/Bar Listening Session 12:15 5/31/21 (Mon.) Law & Justice Center Closed June Events 6/7/21 (Mon.) Golf Outing 6/15/21 (Tues.) Annual Meeting July Events 7/5/21 (Mon.) Law & Justice Center Closed 7/20/21 (Tues.) CLE event at noon August Events 8/17/21 (Tues.) CLE event at noon September Events 9/6/21 (Mon.) Law & Justice Center Closed 9/21/21 (Tues.) CLE event at noon October Events 10/11/21 (Mon.) Law & Justice Center Closed 10/19/21 (Tues.) CLE event at noon November Events 11/11/21 (Thurs.) Law & Justice Center Closed 11/16/21 (Tues.) CLE event at noon 11/25/21 (Thurs.) Law & Justice Center Closed 11/26/21 (Fri.) Law & Justice Center Closed December Events 12/21/21 (Tues.) Holiday Luncheon 12/25/21 (Fri.) Law & Justice Center Closed |
court notes
As expected, the ever-changing eviction moratorium rules and procedures promulgated by the Governor and Supreme Court forces us to adjust court operations to handle eviction cases. Expect more information on those processes soon. In the meantime, feel free to reach out to my Assistant, Joy McKinney, or to our Trial Court Administrator, Will Scanlon, regarding current eviction procedures enacted pursuant to the latest eviction-related Order entered by the Supreme Court. You should also expect changes to the SC/AR/LM (non-eviction cases) docket regarding the switch back to date-certain summons also due to the recent Supreme Court Order mandating same. The return to date-certain summonses is causing some headaches as we adjust the docket and make the conversion. Mary Sellmyer graciously sent out links to the most recent eviction-related Orders and approved eviction forms which can also be found on the Supreme Court website. Those links are also listed below. As has been said countless times before, we look forward to a return to what we remember as being close to “normal”. Should you have any questions or concerns on court operations, please contact Trial Court Administrator William Scanlon at (309) 888-5266. Stay safe and healthy. Best regards. Chief Judge Mark A. Fellheimer changes in daily custodieseffective - today - march 1There is a change in daily custodies to move to a Zoom hearing in the various courtrooms of the assigned judges. The schedule is as follows:
Monday Kording (3E) Tuesday Workman (4A) Wednesday Duffy (3D) Thursday Eves (3C) Friday Black (3A) This will be a standing Zoom hearing with a link on the main page of the County website and link on the remote hearings page of the Circuit Court: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 967 4526 9432 Passcode: 565063 This will end the practice of having all custody hearings in Courtroom 3E (except when Judge Kording is presiding on Mondays). tuesday - march 23