February Events 2/8/2022 (Tues.) BOG Meeting 2/11/2022 (Fri.) HS Mock Trials 2/11/2022 (Fri.) Breakfast with the Bar 2/15/2022 (Tues.) CLE 2/18/2022 (Fri.) Breakfast with the Bar 2/21/2022 (Mon.) Law & Justice Center Closed 2/22/2022 (Tues.) CLE Committee Meeting 2/25/2022 (Fri.) Breakfast with the Bar March Events 3/4/2022 (Fri.) Breakfast with the Bar 3/8/2022 (Tues.) BOG Meeting 3/11/2022 (Fri.) HS Mock Trials 3/11/2022 (Fri.) Breakfast with the Bar 3/15/2022 (Tues.) CLE 3/18/2022 (Fri.) Breakfast with the Bar 3/25/2022 (Fri.) Breakfast with the Bar 3/29/2022 (Tues.) BOG Meeting April Events 4/19/2022 (Tues.) CLE 4/20/2022 (Wed.) Bench/Bar Listening Session May Events 5/4/2022 (Wed.) Law Day Event - 4.00 pm 5/17/2022 (Tues.) CLE |
Jake Breit Brendan Bukalski Todd Chapman Spencer Chikahaisa John Danenberger Brian Day Erin Donaldson Judge Eves Frank Hoffman John Hurney Neil Jackson Karen Kapela |
Jenna Kearns Christopher Lange Nicole Mannen Thomas McClure Karin Miller Todd Miller Sandra Molinari Joseph Moran Shannon Owen Jennifer Patton Carol Shegog-Parker |
VOLUNTEERS still urgently NEEDED
This years event is shortened to two morning rounds.
Breakfast Provided!
Breakfast Provided!
tuesday - february 15
zoom at noon
[One Hour General CLE Credit Approved]
Social Security
Retirement To Disability
What You And Your Clients Need To Know
by Attorney Frank Hoffman
Please join the McLean County Bar Association in welcoming one of our own local attorneys. Frank Hoffman has been in private practice for over 40 years. His federal law practice is concentrated in areas of personal and business bankruptcy as well as social security disability law. Mr. Hoffman will be presenting on various components of Social Security Law. He will touch on the historical perspective. His focus will be on two components of Social Security Law. He will touch on Retirement and then focus on Disability.
an invitation from the peoria county bar association
Dear Members of the McLean County Bar Association,
I am the chair of the Public Relations Committee of the Peoria County Bar Association. On behalf of the Association, we would like to invite you to our 113th annual Lincoln Memorial Banquet. This banquet is the longest continuously running event honoring and celebrating one of our nation’s greatest presidents, and one of Illinois’ most famous sons. Everyone knows of Lincoln’s place in history as the Great Emancipator, but we also celebrate Lincoln the lawyer and his legacy as a fellow practitioner in central Illinois. We hope to see you there!
I am the chair of the Public Relations Committee of the Peoria County Bar Association. On behalf of the Association, we would like to invite you to our 113th annual Lincoln Memorial Banquet. This banquet is the longest continuously running event honoring and celebrating one of our nation’s greatest presidents, and one of Illinois’ most famous sons. Everyone knows of Lincoln’s place in history as the Great Emancipator, but we also celebrate Lincoln the lawyer and his legacy as a fellow practitioner in central Illinois. We hope to see you there!
From Seth A. TeBeest
RSVP by Thursday, February 10, 2022
the new & improved
transfer on death instrument act
I am honored to be able to share the article [below] I co-authored for the new February Illinois Bar Journal, for those who are interested. The co-author and I had the privilege of having a leading role from the ISBA committee standpoint in preparing the amendment to the statute and working with ISBA lobbyist Jim Covington to address questions in Springfield (and special thanks to Sen. Barickman for serving as sponsor on the bill and helping see it through the process!).
It’s important because it now allows for transfer of ANY Illinois real estate to beneficiaries at death via a TODI (previously the statute was limited to residential real estate only), as well as making a number of other changes reflecting the adoption of the Illinois Trust Code a few years ago, etc. So for clients who have small tracts of farmland, vacant lots, small commercial property, etc. such that they wish to avoid probate but do not have or want a trust, the TODI is a helpful tool to have available to help them.
It’s important because it now allows for transfer of ANY Illinois real estate to beneficiaries at death via a TODI (previously the statute was limited to residential real estate only), as well as making a number of other changes reflecting the adoption of the Illinois Trust Code a few years ago, etc. So for clients who have small tracts of farmland, vacant lots, small commercial property, etc. such that they wish to avoid probate but do not have or want a trust, the TODI is a helpful tool to have available to help them.
From Nathan Hinch - co-author
cle opportunity
The Illinois Armed Forces Legal Aid Network [IL-AFLAN] provides civil legal services across Illinois to eligible members of the military, veterans and their spouses or dependents. It is a network of more than 10 legal aid organizations and law school clinics from across the state. Learn more about this program and the CLE opportunity by pressing the buttons below...
updated standardized forms
Dear Court Stakeholders,
The Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Access to Justice is pleased to announce that it has updated a number of forms relevant to Divorce and Family Law cases through the normal course of annual review and/or to keep current with recent law or rule changes. All documents can be found at the following link: https://www.illinoiscourts.gov/forms/approved-forms/forms-circuit-court/divorce-child-support-maintenance. The forms affected are listed below:
Dissolution of Marriage / Civil Union (Divorce with Children)
Dissolution of Marriage / Civil Union (Divorce No Children)
Child Support and Maintenance
Interim Attorney’s Fees Award Order
Please note, the general landing page for all Supreme Court Approved forms is: https://www.illinoiscourts.gov/documents-and-forms/approved-forms/
Due to the Court upgrading and modernizing their website recently, the web addresses have changed for all forms. Please make sure to note these changes if you are responsible for a website that links to any of our forms.
The Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Access to Justice is pleased to announce that it has updated a number of forms relevant to Divorce and Family Law cases through the normal course of annual review and/or to keep current with recent law or rule changes. All documents can be found at the following link: https://www.illinoiscourts.gov/forms/approved-forms/forms-circuit-court/divorce-child-support-maintenance. The forms affected are listed below:
Dissolution of Marriage / Civil Union (Divorce with Children)
- Getting Started Dissolution of Marriage / Civil Union (Divorce with Children)
- How to Get a Divorce (with Children)
- Petition for Dissolution of Marriage / Civil Union (Divorce with Children)
- Summons Petition for Dissolution of Marriage / Civil Union
- Parenting Plan
- Additional Parenting Time
- Certification Agreement (Divorce with Children)
Dissolution of Marriage / Civil Union (Divorce No Children)
- Getting Started Dissolution of Marriage / Civil Union (Divorce No Children)
- How to Get at Divorce (No Children)
- Petition for Dissolution of Marriage / Civil Union (Divorce No Children)
- Judgment of Dissolution of Marriage / Civil Union (Divorce No Children)
- Certification Agreement (Divorce No Children)
Child Support and Maintenance
- Getting Started Order for Support
- How to Get an Order for Support
- Order for Support
- Support Information Sheet
- How to Fill Out the Income Withholding for Support Form
- Income Withholding for Support
Interim Attorney’s Fees Award Order
- Interim Fee Award Order
Please note, the general landing page for all Supreme Court Approved forms is: https://www.illinoiscourts.gov/documents-and-forms/approved-forms/
Due to the Court upgrading and modernizing their website recently, the web addresses have changed for all forms. Please make sure to note these changes if you are responsible for a website that links to any of our forms.
law day 2022
local celebration
Wednesday, may 4 at 4.00 pm
What is Law Day? Law Day is held in the first of May each year to celebrate the role of law in our society and to cultivate a deeper understanding of the legal profession.
recorded cle opportunities
state of the circuit cle
originally posted - january 18
recording ends - april 30
[one hour general cle credit approved]
This presentation was sponsored by the McLean County Bar Association. This presentation was the annual program on the state of the 11th Circuit Courts presented by the McLean County Circuit Court Judges.
Reference Materials
attorneys on the move
Jennifer L. Eldridge
is now with Collison Law Offices based in Champaign
Updated Address Below
Jennifer Eldridge
Collison Law Offices, LTD
3123 Village Office Place
Champaign, IL 61882
Phone: 217.751.4878
Email: [email protected]
is now with Collison Law Offices based in Champaign
Updated Address Below
Jennifer Eldridge
Collison Law Offices, LTD
3123 Village Office Place
Champaign, IL 61882
Phone: 217.751.4878
Email: [email protected]
ATTORNEYS on retirement
From B. Mac Arnold in reference to last weeks snow storm - I enjoy retirement in Traverse City. We are going ice fishing! It’s almost Canada up here, and I sent you some [weather/snow] it sounds like!
mark your calendar
2021 & 2022
March 15 - CLE Orders of Protections [up to 2 hours of CLE will be offered]
April 19 - PR CLE Underwood Committee Professionalism Program
April 20 - Bench/Bar Listening Session 12.05 pm
May 17 - CLE Drone Law Update
March 15 - CLE Orders of Protections [up to 2 hours of CLE will be offered]
April 19 - PR CLE Underwood Committee Professionalism Program
April 20 - Bench/Bar Listening Session 12.05 pm
May 17 - CLE Drone Law Update
career opportunities
office space available
1,400 square feet
Ground floor previously office space for a law firm. Only minutes away from the court house.
office space for rent
the murphey building - two blocks from the courthouse
Two offices, each about 430 square feet.
Both ideal for a sole practioner and assistant.
Two offices, each about 430 square feet.
Both ideal for a sole practioner and assistant.
bar committee activities
BOG Meeting - February 8 noon
Foundation Meeting - February 10 noon
CLE Committee Meeting - February 22 noon
Law Day Committee Meeting - February 28 noon
BOG Meeting - February 8 noon
Foundation Meeting - February 10 noon
CLE Committee Meeting - February 22 noon
Law Day Committee Meeting - February 28 noon