wednesday & THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21 & 22, 2020
10 hours cle pending approval
The McLean County Bar Association is preparing for its bi-annual Guardian ad Litem certification training. We are currently planning for a two-day, ten-hour conference on October 21 and 22 at the Holiday Inn in Normal, Illinois. The Covid-19 situation has presented certain logistical challenges that remain in flux. We would prefer to offer the benefits of a fully in-person session.
We are aware that another organization has scheduled a conference one month in advance of ours. We believe that the McLean County Bar Association’s G.A.L. training possesses a broader appeal for G.A.L.s who do not practice primarily in Cook County.
We are aware that another organization has scheduled a conference one month in advance of ours. We believe that the McLean County Bar Association’s G.A.L. training possesses a broader appeal for G.A.L.s who do not practice primarily in Cook County.
*”health department recommendations” include those that the hotel and food service staff must adhere to, such as guest counts in any given space and sanitary practices, as well as recommendations for people who are in public places with other people, such as social distancing, masks, and/or hand washing).