cle - materials - see below
traffic stops & motor vehicles searches
tuesday, july 16, 2024
noon - 1:30 pm
presented by Hon. DAvid Butler, ret. & matthew butler
[1.5 hours general cle approved]
Register now for the Traffic Stops and Motor Vehicle Searches CLE. Evidence of a crime is often found by police during the search of a vehicle that was stopped for a traffic violation. Items found during the search may be illegal contraband, such as drugs or weapons, or evidence of another crime. What starts out as a minor traffic violation can turn into a search of the vehicle to investigate evidence of crimes unrelated to the traffic stop. This CLE program presents an examination of the various legal bases for the police to conduct a motor vehicle search and the possible legal challenges to the search. Attorneys who either defend or prosecute criminal cases involving the possession of contraband will be better able to recognize evidentiary issues related to criminal charges arising out of traffic stops and motor vehicle searches.
Lawful basis of traffic stops
“Out of the Car” Drivers and Passengers
Search of Persons in the Vehicle
Search of Vehicles
Probable Cause Searches
Dog Sniffs
Odor of Cannabis
Search Incident to Arrest
Parole Searches
Inventory Searches
Consent Searches
Motions To Suppress Evidence
This program will be held on Tuesday, July 16 beginning at 12:00 p.m. The location will be announced soon. Lunch will be served.
Lawful basis of traffic stops
“Out of the Car” Drivers and Passengers
Search of Persons in the Vehicle
Search of Vehicles
Probable Cause Searches
Dog Sniffs
Odor of Cannabis
Search Incident to Arrest
Parole Searches
Inventory Searches
Consent Searches
Motions To Suppress Evidence
This program will be held on Tuesday, July 16 beginning at 12:00 p.m. The location will be announced soon. Lunch will be served.
Program Schedule
Tuesday, July 16
Tuesday, July 16