MCBA Newsletter june 15, 2020
June Events 6/16/20 (Tues.) - Virtual CLE Event 6/30/20 (Tues.) - Virtual CLE Committee Meeting July Events 7/3/20 (Fri.) Law & Justice Center Closed 7/14/20 (Tues.) Annual Bar Meeting 7/21/20 (Tues.) - Virtual CLE Luncheon-Collections August Events 8/18/20 (Tues.) CLE Luncheon September Events 9/7/20 (Mon.) Law & Justice Center Closed 9/15/20 (Tues.) CLE Luncheon 9/25/20 (Fri.) Law Day Celebration Gala October Events 10/12/20 (Mon.) Law & Justice Center Closed 10/20/20 (Tues.) CLE Luncheon 10/21 & 22 (Tues. & Wed.) GAL Conference November Events 11/11/20 (Mon.) Law & Justice Center Closed 11/17/20 (Tues.) CLE Luncheon 11/26 & 11/27/20 (Thurs. & Fri.) Law & Justice Center Closed December Events 12/24 & 25 (Thurs. & Fri.) Law & Justice Center Closed 2021 January Events 1/1/21 (Fri.) Law & Justice Center Closed |
MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENTI hope all of you enjoyed this wonderful weekend weather. And, I certainly hope that the return to normal office work for many of you has been a smooth one. Personally, I have experienced smooth sailing with the Zoom conferences with the Civil and Family hearing calls so we appreciate the fine work put in by those judges and any of the people behind the scenes who lend a hand in its organization. And, I have not heard any of major issues with the trials that commenced this past week, which is very positive to note. In terms of our Bar, this Tuesday, June 16th, we will have a CLE presentation on 'Managing IT Risk While Sheltering in Place: Cyber Security Awareness & Protecting Sensitive Information.' There is still time and room to register. See the link below for the simple and easy registration. And, this is another CLE opportunity for those with a MCLE reporting period of June 30, 2020, if you have not requested an extension of time to comply. The Bar's Annual meeting is now set for noon on Tuesday, July 14th, as we welcome the new Executive Committee and Board of Governors for the MCBA. It will be held at Bloomington Country Club. At this time, the gathering is unfortunately limited to 50 members per the Governor's stages of return from shelter-in-place. Please know that we are exploring possible alternatives and trying our best to accommodate as many attendees as possible in lieu of amending the Bylaws for an additional extension of time for the meeting. You are all tired of me anyway! We will keep you posted. As you have seen over the past several months, our MCBA website [LINK] has been chock-full of valuable information and resources on the many things happening not only for our local courthouse and Bar association, but throughout our circuit and beyond. Please continue to check back regularly for important news, Administrative Orders and the like and additional ways to earn CLE credit. For instance, on June 30th, the Illinois Guardianship Association is supplying a training program: DHS Vocational Rehabilitation Programs for Adults with Mental Illness: “Learn more about Individual Placement Support (IPS): What are the 8 basic principles of the program, making the case for IPS, how it aids in mental health recovery and what the evidence proves.” Lastly, many of you may have received a call, text or email from little birdies this past week reminding you to re-register for your MCBA membership. Please do so as it helps us plan and budget for the upcoming year. And, we would hate for you to miss out on the many opportunities provided by the MCBA. If you know others who may be interested in joining, please direct them to our website to do so. Thank you Continue to be kind and understanding!! Have a wonderful week. Joe Foley Helping lawyers and their families through uncertain timesHelping attorneys through the toughest times of their lives has been at the core of what we at the Illinois Bar Foundation (IBF) have done since 1951. Today, we recognize that the COVID-19 crisis has presented all of us with a new set of unforeseen, unpredictable challenges. With limited court access and futures uncertain for many, the IBF has established the COVID-19 Lawyers Care Relief Fund as an extension of our existing Warren Lupel Lawyers Care Fund. This initiative will enable us to further our reach to even more attorneys in need throughout the state and will specifically provide financial aid to attorneys struggling to make ends meet as a result of this crisis. This special relief fund has been made possible by a generous cy pres award directed to the IBF by our friends at Edelson PC.
The IBF COVID-19 Lawyers Care Relief Fund will provide one-time, non-renewable lump sum payments of $2,000 to attorneys facing financial hardship related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Attorneys must be based in Illinois and in good standing with the ARDC to be eligible for a grant. Applications will be accepted and reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis through July 15. Please be assured that all information provided in the application process, as well as the identity of all applicants and recipients, will remain confidential. Almost 70 years of providing aid to attorneys in crisis has proven time and time again how generous our profession is, and how committed attorneys from all walks of life and all parts of the state are to helping our own. If you know a colleague who is struggling, please share our application and let them know the IBF and our supporters are here for them. If you are in a position to contribute and looking for a way to help those less fortunate, please consider making a donation of any amount to the IBF COVID-19 Lawyers Care Relief Fund. TUESDAY - june 16 - CLE'managing it risk while sheltering in place'
July 9
Ethics-Based Obligations in Specific Client Engagements August 6 Maximizing Flexibility With Powers of Appointment September 3 Picking Up the Pieces: Post-Divorce Planning October 1 Moving the Needle With Your Clients’ Retirement Asset Planning |
October 29
Contemporary Challenges in Trust Administration December 3 Essential Asset Protection Planning January 7, 2021 Conflicts of Interest Issues Facing Estate Planning Professionals |
bar committee activities
Law Day Committee Meeting - June 17 noon
CLE Committee Meeting - June 30 12:00 noon
BOG Meeting - July 14 noon
Law Day Committee Meeting - June 17 noon
CLE Committee Meeting - June 30 12:00 noon
BOG Meeting - July 14 noon
save the dates
june 16 - cle - 'managing IT risk while sheltering in place'
july 14 - annual meeting
july 21 - cle luncheon or virtual meeting - 'collections'
october 21-22 -gal conference
november 13 - 15 - the isu invitational mock trial tournament

MCBA Breakfast with the Bar - cancelled until further notice
Remember to have “Breakfast with the Bar” every Friday morning between 8:00 am and 9:00 am. It’s a great way to meet and talk with your fellow attorneys in an informal setting. Stay for 10 minutes and have a cup of coffee or stay for an hour and have a full breakfast before court. Grab an associate, partner or friend and come. See you Friday!
Remember to have “Breakfast with the Bar” every Friday morning between 8:00 am and 9:00 am. It’s a great way to meet and talk with your fellow attorneys in an informal setting. Stay for 10 minutes and have a cup of coffee or stay for an hour and have a full breakfast before court. Grab an associate, partner or friend and come. See you Friday!