MCBA Newsletter updated may 18, 2020
May Events 5/19/20 (Tues.) - Virtual CLE Event 5/20/20 (Wed.) - Virtual Law Day Committee Meeting 5/22/20 (Fri.) - Virtual GAL Committee Meeting 5/25/20 (Mon.) Law & Justice Center Closed 5/26/20 (Tues.) CLE Committee Meeting 5/27/20 (Wed.) Tentative State-of-Circuit Update June Events 6/16/20 (Tues.) - Virtual CLE Event July Events 7/3/20 (Fri.) Law & Justice Center Closed 7/--/20 (Tues.) - Tentative Annual Bar Meeting 7/21/20 (Tues.) - Virtual CLE Luncheon-Collections August Events 8/18/20 (Tues.) CLE Luncheon September Events 9/7/20 (Mon.) Law & Justice Center Closed 9/15/20 (Tues.) CLE Luncheon 9/25/20 (Fri.) Law Day Celebration Gala October Events 10/12/20 (Mon.) Law & Justice Center Closed 10/20/20 (Tues.) CLE Luncheon 10/21 & 22 (Tues. & Wed.) GAL Conference November Events 11/11/20 (Mon.) Law & Justice Center Closed 11/17/20 (Tues.) CLE Luncheon 11/26 & 11/27/20 (Thurs. & Fri.) Law & Justice Center Closed December Events 12/24 & 25 (Thurs. & Fri.) Law & Justice Center Closed 2021 January Events 1/1/21 (Fri.) Law & Justice Center Closed |
MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENTWell, it would appear that the opening of Illinois is near! Very excited to say the least. Personally, I was able to get away to visit family for a change of scenery over the weekend and it was quite liberating. Upon our return to normalcy, we will all need to do our part to prevent a recurrence, including the continued washing of hands, using masks and sanitizers, social distancing and the like. I want to apologize for the length of my weekly messages for the past several weeks. I want to make you aware of all of the ongoing and ever-changing happenings that impact not only members of our Bar, but our local community as a whole. For our Court functions and upcoming Bar activities, it would appear that the prudent and chosen way will be the continued use of Zoom and other remote communications. To that end, Judges McFarland and Costigan will be presenting, via Zoom, today on their Specialty Courts-Recovery and Drug Courts. Once again, I hope to hear from our McLean County Bench and possibly the other counties in our circuit as to whether we can have a Zoom conference tantamount to a quasi-State of the Circuit on how matters will be handled and what our landscape will look like upon our return to normal operations at the Circuit's courthouses. I'm hoping that will include the expected procedures, how hearings and trials will be conducted over the coming months, etc. And, if known, how movement by the Bar, staff and public will be directed within our courthouses, i.e. elevator use, gathering in the hallways, courtrooms and clerk's offices, etc. If doable, we would look to host this next Wednesday, May 27th. Stay tuned. For those of our members whose two-year MCLE reporting period is June 30, 2020, I wanted to bring to your attention an important option available to you. Some of you may already have received notice that a three-month extension (until September 30, 2020) is available to earn your MCLE credits and report compliance to the MCLE Board. However, please take note that the extension is not automatic. If you cannot complete your MCLE credits by June 30th, you can secure the three month extension at no cost without a late fee by submitting an online report of "Not Yet Complied" to the MCLE Board no later than July 31, 2020. If you do not report compliance, "not yet complied" or otherwise secure a valid exemption on or before July 31, 2020, you will still have until September 30, 2020 to earn the credits and report your compliance but you will need to pay a $250.00 late fee. Please see more information below. I am still planning to either move the Bar's Annual meeting, currently scheduled for Tuesday, June 16th, to the month of July in order to maximize the amount of time away from the peak of this pandemic in order to host a large gathering, or conduct the meeting via Zoom provided that we have a quorum. However, I was not inclined to proceed with Zoom as I would like for our Bar to be able to provide its proper and due respects to the families and loved ones of our members who have passed away during this past year. Personally, I was greatly moved by the memorial presented for my father nearly ten years ago and would not want the families to miss out on this opportunity. Additional details forthcoming. Once again, I appreciate your patience and understanding during these difficult times. We have decided to formally move Law Day 2020 to Friday, September 25, 2020, as Justice Garman will be available to speak, and I did not want our Bar to miss this great opportunity to hear her. Lastly, many of you support those who are less fortunate and in great need throughout the year through your financial contributions and/or valuable time. As you know, substantial efforts will be needed to address and overcome the aftermath and adverse impact of COVID-19, especially for the needy families and those less fortunate. As I indicated this past week, one of the many organizations that would appear to be doing their part is the United Way in providing assistance to our local food banks, families of students from some of our local schools and others in need. If you are interested in helping the United Way, you can make financial contribution to its GoFundMe page or sign up to volunteer at a food distribution site, through Eastview’s Sign-up genius link- . Obviously, there are many worthy organizations out there in need of our help and the United Way is just one. I hope you continue help in any way that you can. Have a great week. Be safe! Joe Foley COURT communications
June 4
The Relationship Among Trust Beneficiaries and Trustees, the IRS and the Courts July 9 Ethics-Based Obligations in Specific Client Engagements August 6 Maximizing Flexibility With Powers of Appointment September 3 Picking Up the Pieces: Post-Divorce Planning |
October 1
Moving the Needle With Your Clients’ Retirement Asset Planning October 29 Contemporary Challenges in Trust Administration December 3 Essential Asset Protection Planning January 7, 2021 Conflicts of Interest Issues Facing Estate Planning Professionals |
bar committee activities
Law Day Committee Meeting - May 20 12:00 noon
GAL Committee Meeting - May 22 12:00 noon
CLE Committee Meeting - May 26 12:00 noon
BOG Meeting - June 9 noon
CLE Presentation - June 16 12:00 noon
Law Day Committee Meeting - May 20 12:00 noon
GAL Committee Meeting - May 22 12:00 noon
CLE Committee Meeting - May 26 12:00 noon
BOG Meeting - June 9 noon
CLE Presentation - June 16 12:00 noon
save the dates
may 27 - state-of-the-circuit: an update
june 16 - cle - 'managing IT risk while sheltering in place'
july - annual meeting tbd
july 21 - cle luncheon or virtual meeting - 'collections'
october 21-22 -gal conference
november 13 - 15 - the isu invitational mock trial tournament
MCBA Breakfast with the Bar - cancelled until further notice
Remember to have “Breakfast with the Bar” every Friday morning between 8:00 am and 9:00 am. It’s a great way to meet and talk with your fellow attorneys in an informal setting. Stay for 10 minutes and have a cup of coffee or stay for an hour and have a full breakfast before court. Grab an associate, partner or friend and come. See you Friday!
Remember to have “Breakfast with the Bar” every Friday morning between 8:00 am and 9:00 am. It’s a great way to meet and talk with your fellow attorneys in an informal setting. Stay for 10 minutes and have a cup of coffee or stay for an hour and have a full breakfast before court. Grab an associate, partner or friend and come. See you Friday!