what would abe do?
tuesday, april 16, 2024
noon - 1:30 pm
presented by the lincoln award of excellence members
This is an in-person event only
[1 .5 hours pr civility cle approved]
The McLean County Bar Association cordially invites you to a Continuing Legal Education event focusing on civility and professionalism for lawyers, staff and judges. Members of the Lincoln Award of Excellence will present on the topics listed below during this hour and a half presentation. Please join us!
Topics to be covered are:
Best practices and demeanor for new attorneys - Adrian Barr & Alan Sternberg
Incivility & bullying amoung lawyers - Frank Hoffman & Adrian Barr
How to manage abusive clients - Cathy Pratt & Helen Ogar
How to use Rule 137 to obtain attorney fees for acting in bad faith - Tom McClure & Paul Lawrence
How to respond/report when a judge is inappropriate, demeaning or abusive to attorneys - Mike McElvain, Hon. Beth Robb [Ret.] & Hon. Bob Freitag [Ret.]
Topics to be covered are:
Best practices and demeanor for new attorneys - Adrian Barr & Alan Sternberg
Incivility & bullying amoung lawyers - Frank Hoffman & Adrian Barr
How to manage abusive clients - Cathy Pratt & Helen Ogar
How to use Rule 137 to obtain attorney fees for acting in bad faith - Tom McClure & Paul Lawrence
How to respond/report when a judge is inappropriate, demeaning or abusive to attorneys - Mike McElvain, Hon. Beth Robb [Ret.] & Hon. Bob Freitag [Ret.]
Program Schedule
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
11:30 a.m. - In-Person Check-in Begins
11.55 a.m. - Bar Announcements
12:00 - 1:30 p.m. - Program
Second Presbyterian Church, 404 N. Prairie Street, Bloomington
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
11:30 a.m. - In-Person Check-in Begins
11.55 a.m. - Bar Announcements
12:00 - 1:30 p.m. - Program
Second Presbyterian Church, 404 N. Prairie Street, Bloomington
Registration and Location
The cost is $20.00 per attendee.
All registered participants will receive emailed materials by the Monday before the program.
Walk-in's are welcome, however if you aren't registered prior to the event, there may not be planned food for you.
***If using a credit card for payment, be sure to match the billing zip code with the payment zip code.****
payment information
be sure you have submitted your registration above to reserve your seat
You must fill in the above RESERVATION FORM in order to receive the materials for this event.
If paying by check, please sent it to P.O. Box 3142, Bloomington, IL 61702.
If paying online using your credit card or PayPal, please click the button below.
PLEASE fill in the RESERVATION FORM above before you issue payment. THANK YOU!
Financial Hardship Policy:
The Bar Association of McLean County will waive the cost of the meeting and luncheon to anyone showing need thereof by direct application to the President of the Association. Please contact MCBA President, Nate Hinch at: [email protected] , if financial assistance is needed.