MCBA Newsletter march 23, 2020
March Events 3/27/20 (Fri.) - Cancelled "Breakfast with the Bar" at Scouts 3/31/20 (Tues.) CLE Committee Meeting April Events 4/3/20 (Fri.) - Cancelled "Breakfast with the Bar" at Scouts 4/10/20 (Fri.) - Cancelled "Breakfast with the Bar" at Scouts 4/14/20 (Tues.) BOG Meeting 4/17/20 (Fri.) "Breakfast with the Bar" at Scouts 4/21/20 (Tues.) CLE Luncheon - Pending 4/24/20 (Fri.) "Breakfast with the Bar" at Scouts Wine Tour - Pending 4/28/20 (Tues.) CLE Committee Meeting May Events 5/1/20 (Fri.) "Breakfast with the Bar" at Scouts 5/8/20 (Fri.) "Breakfast with the Bar" at Scouts 5/8/20 (Fri.) Law Day Celebration Gala 5/15/20 (Fri.) "Breakfast with the Bar" at Scouts 5/22/20 (Fri.) "Breakfast with the Bar" at Scouts 5/25/20 (Mon.) Law & Justice Center Closed 5/29/20 (Fri.) "Breakfast with the Bar" at Scouts June Events July Events 7/3/20 (Fri.) Law & Justice Center Closed August Events September Events 9/7/20 (Mon.) Law & Justice Center Closed October Events 10/12/20 (Mon.) Law & Justice Center Closed November Events 11/11/20 (Mon.) Law & Justice Center Closed 11/26 & 11/27/20 (Thurs. & Fri.) Law & Justice Center Closed December Events 12/24 & 25 (Thurs. & Fri.) Law & Justice Center Closed 2021 January Events 1/1/21 (Fri.) Law & Justice Center Closed |
MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENTDear Fellow Members: I hope that everyone is doing well, staying safe and being prudent about your activities during these very difficult times. During the past week, we had received several Orders from Chief Judge Mark Fellheimer governing courthouse affairs for the time being. Please review the MCBA website home page LINK for copies of all Orders if you had not received a direct email from Mary Sellmyer. Stay tuned to our website for any updates as it relates to procedures impacting the Eleventh Circuit. For those who handle cases in other circuits, please review the Illinois Courts' LINK. It provides an ongoing updated listing of Administrative Orders relating to operating procedures for most circuits, including Supreme Court and Appellate Courts, throughout our state. If you have US District Court business in the Central District of Illinois, please see this LINK. For those who continue to work in their offices, I hope we all are doing your part to exercise social distancing and daily practice of personal hand hygiene. We are all in this together and need to adhere to the directives from the federal and state governments and healthcare field to get ahead of COVID-19. If that means cancelling in person appointments, rescheduling depositions or resorting to videoconferencing for the time being, then so be it. You would all agree that slight inconveniences for the coming weeks are certainly better than putting the health and safety of our clients, staff, witnesses, vendors, etc. at risk. To that end, we are still in a holding pattern for any live CLE programs and the MCBA's social calendar is similarly suspended at this time. So, we are currently NOT accepting registration for the April 24th Mackinaw Valley Winery Tour, The 2020 Law Day Gala on May 8th or our Annual Softball Game with the Champaign County Bar Association, which was tentatively set for May 9th. I know that the work of some committees are continuing with business as usual, via Zoom or other videoconferencing measures. I certainly appreciate their efforts. Therefore, please stay tuned as we hope to know more over the coming weeks as to the scheduling or resetting of our CLE programs, luncheons and/or Bar social events. On a personal note, given the theme for this year's Law Day, "Your Vote, Your Voice, Our Democracy: The 19th Amendment at 100", I believe it is far too important to pass on so we are looking to move the gala to late Summer or Fall. Stay tuned !! While our social events are curbed for the indefinite future, it may be worthwhile to redirect all of our efforts to helping the community. This may include donating blood, providing non-perishable food and household items to the Home Sweet Home Ministries, Red Cross, Boys & Girls Club of Bloomington-Normal, etc. Please note that the nominations are now open for The Outstanding Young Lawyer Award. Please see more information below. The deadline is April 30th. Lastly, this is your friendly reminder to register/re-register for membership to the MCBA. See link below. Be well. Be safe. Best regards, Joe Foley 2020
April 2
Powers of Attorney: Not a Walk in the Park April 30 Developing and Keeping Business for Estate Planning and Trust Professionals June 4 The Relationship Among Trust Beneficiaries and Trustees, the IRS and the Courts July 9 Ethics-Based Obligations in Specific Client Engagements August 6 Maximizing Flexibility With Powers of Appointment |
September 3
Picking Up the Pieces: Post-Divorce Planning October 1 Moving the Needle With Your Clients’ Retirement Asset Planning October 29 Contemporary Challenges in Trust Administration December 3 Essential Asset Protection Planning January 7, 2021 Conflicts of Interest Issues Facing Estate Planning Professionals |
bar committee activities
CLE Committee Meeting - March 31 12:00 noon
Board of Governor's Committee Meeting - April 14 12:00 noon
CLE Committee Meeting - March 31 12:00 noon
Board of Governor's Committee Meeting - April 14 12:00 noon
save the dates
may 8 - law day gala.. an evening event - rescheduling
may 9 - softball challenge - pending
october 21-22 -gal conference
november 13 - 15 - the isu invitational mock trial tournament
MCBA Breakfast with the Bar
Remember to have “Breakfast with the Bar” every Friday morning between 8:00 am and 9:00 am. It’s a great way to meet and talk with your fellow attorneys in an informal setting. Stay for 10 minutes and have a cup of coffee or stay for an hour and have a full breakfast before court. Grab an associate, partner or friend and come. See you Friday!
Remember to have “Breakfast with the Bar” every Friday morning between 8:00 am and 9:00 am. It’s a great way to meet and talk with your fellow attorneys in an informal setting. Stay for 10 minutes and have a cup of coffee or stay for an hour and have a full breakfast before court. Grab an associate, partner or friend and come. See you Friday!