MCBA Newsletter february 10, 2020
February Events 2/14/20 (Fri.) "Breakfast with the Bar" at Scouts 2/15/20 (Sat.) Judge Ron Dozier's Funeral 2/17/20 (Mon.) Law & Justice Center Closed 2/18/20 (Tues.) CLE Luncheon 2/19/20 (Wednesday) Trivia Night 2/21/20 (Fri.) "Breakfast with the Bar" at Scouts 2/25/20 (Tues.) [CANCELED] CLE Committee Meeting 2/28/20 (Fri.) "Breakfast with the Bar" at Scouts March Events 3/6/20 (Fri.) "Breakfast with the Bar" at Scouts 3/10/20 (Tues.) BOG Meeting 3/13/20 (Fri.) "Breakfast with the Bar" at Scouts 3/17/20 (Tues.) CLE Luncheon 3/19/20 (Thurs.) Reality Bites St. Patty's Day 3/20/20 (Fri.) "Breakfast with the Bar" at Scouts 3/27/20 (Fri.) "Breakfast with the Bar" at Scouts 3/31/20 (Tues.) CLE Committee Meeting April Events 4/3/20 (Fri.) "Breakfast with the Bar" at Scouts 4/10/20 (Fri.) "Breakfast with the Bar" at Scouts 4/17/20 (Fri.) "Breakfast with the Bar" at Scouts 4/21/20 (Tues.) CLE Luncheon 4/24/20 (Fri.) "Breakfast with the Bar" at Scouts Wine Tour 4/28/20 (Tues.) CLE Committee Meeting May Events 5/8/20 (Fri.) Law Day Celebration Gala 5/25/20 (Mon.) Law & Justice Center Closed June Events July Events 7/3/20 (Fri.) Law & Justice Center Closed August Events September Events 9/7/20 (Mon.) Law & Justice Center Closed October Events 10/12/20 (Mon.) Law & Justice Center Closed November Events 11/11/20 (Mon.) Law & Justice Center Closed 11/26 & 11/27/20 (Thurs. & Fri.) Law & Justice Center Closed December Events 12/24 & 25 (Thurs. & Fri.) Law & Justice Center Closed 2021 January Events 1/1/21 (Fri.) Law & Justice Center Closed |
MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENTWell, as expected, our Winter weather is back. Dress warm and drive safely. This week, we are hosting our annual High School Mock Trials on Wednesday, February 12th. I believe that we are still in need of your help as volunteer judges. If you can only sign up for one session, we still need the most help in the two morning rounds. Please register below if your schedule allows. As a reminder, volunteers will be provided breakfast and lunch and an opportunity for 1 hour CLE-Professional Responsibility for Mental Health & Substance Abuse. On Saturday, February 15th, please join us to pay our final respects and celebrate the life of a wonderful person, Judge Ronald Dozier. He cared deeply for our community and the Bar. The services are scheduled for 2:00 pm at Calvary United Methodist Church in Normal. Our members are asked to arrive around 1:45 pm – 1:50 pm so we can enter the service together. Our next Bar luncheon is Tuesday, February 18th where Judge Feeney will be presenting the program on our Veterans Court/Services for our Veterans. Next Wednesday, February 19th, please join us in forming a team or two for trivia at the newly opened JP’s Wheel and Ale House (site of the old Hooters) on Hershey Road in Bloomington. Trivia will start at 7:00 and expect it to run to 9:00 p.m. Please plan to arrive around 6:30 so we can reserve tables. There is no cost to participate, and no need to stay for the entire event if you can only drop in for a short time. Mark your calendars for these future social events. For St. Patty's Day (but not on the day), wear your green and help us celebrate at Reality on Monroe on Thursday, March 19th, at 5:30 pm where guests can enjoy Irish themed appetizers and beer pairings. Then, on Friday, April 24th, the Bar has arranged for group transportation to/from Mackinaw Winery for wine tasting and we are working on eats as well. Lastly, Friday, May 8th, will be our annual Law Day celebration at Bloomington Country Club, but this year it is an evening gala to allow significant others to attend. Our theme, 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied . . .on account of sex." If you are looking for educational seminars and other CLE opportunities outside of McLean County, please continue to check the website for the calendar of events for Peoria County Bar Association. Have a great week! Joe Foley judge ron dozierServices will be held on Saturday, February 15th, at 2:00 PM at Calvary United Methodist Church in Normal, IL. Details are being finalized, but there will be a service and reception, and military funeral honors. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Calvary United Methodist Church or to the Joy Care Center.
tuesday - february 18, 2020
Rolley Law Office
309 Vista Drive - Bloomington, IL 61701 Phone: 309.663.2662 |
Charles N. Erickson Law Office
2105 Eastland Drive, Ste 2 Bloomington, Illinois 61704 Office: 309-663-4034 Fax: 309-663-4032 email: [email protected] |
Click on the logo above to learn more about JP's.
Please join us in forming a team for a night of trivia at JP’s Wheel and Ale House on February 19. Trivia starts at 7:00 and is expected to run to 9:00 p.m. Please plan on coming around 6:30 so we can reserve a table. There is no cost to participate. There is no need to stay for the whole event, if you can only drop in for a short time. No registration needed - just come and enjoy!!
Prairie State Legal Services THANK YOU!
Thank you to all the attorneys who took pro bono cases July thru Dec. 2019 :
David Armstrong, Maury Barry, Ret. Judge David Butler, Gina Couri-Cyphers, Randy Ehlers, Hannah Eisner, Aaron Galloway, Kristin Givens, Frank Hoffman, Nick Houska, Douglas B. Johnson, Timothy Leighton, William Mahrt, Fred Moore, John Muir, Helen Ogar, Robert Porter, Angela Skinner, Alice Smalley, Don Wilcox, Stephanie Wong and Sarah Woollen.
David Armstrong, Maury Barry, Ret. Judge David Butler, Gina Couri-Cyphers, Randy Ehlers, Hannah Eisner, Aaron Galloway, Kristin Givens, Frank Hoffman, Nick Houska, Douglas B. Johnson, Timothy Leighton, William Mahrt, Fred Moore, John Muir, Helen Ogar, Robert Porter, Angela Skinner, Alice Smalley, Don Wilcox, Stephanie Wong and Sarah Woollen.
mark your calendar
February 18 - CLE Luncheon - Veterans Affairs
February 19 - Trivia Night at JP's Wheel & Ale House (located at the old Hooters off of Hershey)
March 17 - CLE Luncheon - Collections
March 19 - Bring out the Green at Reality Bites beginning at 5:30 pm
April 24 - Wine Tour
May 8 - Law Day Gala - an evening event
October 21-22 - The Guardian Ad Litem Event
November 13-15 - The ISU Invitational Mock Trial Tournament
February 19 - Trivia Night at JP's Wheel & Ale House (located at the old Hooters off of Hershey)
March 17 - CLE Luncheon - Collections
March 19 - Bring out the Green at Reality Bites beginning at 5:30 pm
April 24 - Wine Tour
May 8 - Law Day Gala - an evening event
October 21-22 - The Guardian Ad Litem Event
November 13-15 - The ISU Invitational Mock Trial Tournament
Time: 11:30 am Location: Same
PNC Wealth Management
202 E. Washington St.
2nd Floor Conference Room
Bloomington, IL 61701
PNC Wealth Management
202 E. Washington St.
2nd Floor Conference Room
Bloomington, IL 61701
1.5 hours of Continuing Legal Education Credit will be earned for attendance at each call.
A certificate of attendance will be given to each participant.
A certificate of attendance will be given to each participant.
Please RSVP by replying to Erica Fleming [email protected] and include a list the names of the colleagues who will be attending. If you have questions please call Erica at 309.655.5312
March 5
Mathematics and Economics of Estate Planning April 2 Powers of Attorney: Not a Walk in the Park April 30 Developing and Keeping Business for Estate Planning and Trust Professionals June 4 The Relationship Among Trust Beneficiaries and Trustees, the IRS and the Courts July 9 Ethics-Based Obligations in Specific Client Engagements |
August 6
Maximizing Flexibility With Powers of Appointment September 3 Picking Up the Pieces: Post-Divorce Planning October 1 Moving the Needle With Your Clients’ Retirement Asset Planning October 29 Contemporary Challenges in Trust Administration December 3 Essential Asset Protection Planning |
January 7, 2021
Conflicts of Interest Issues Facing Estate Planning Professionals
Conflicts of Interest Issues Facing Estate Planning Professionals
2020 Winter Series
Spalding Pastoral Center, 419 NE Madison Ave.
Friday afternoons & Saturday mornings in January, February & March
Civil Practice Seminar – now available on DVD & Vimeo!
$100 PCBA Members | $125 Non-Members
Friday afternoons & Saturday mornings in January, February & March
Civil Practice Seminar – now available on DVD & Vimeo!
$100 PCBA Members | $125 Non-Members
FRIDAY, March 6 – Highlights of New Illinois Laws and Amendments in 2020 - Check-in 12:30 seminar 1:00 to 4:30 *snacks provided at break*
Are you sure that none of the over 500 enacted bills passed in Springfield affect your practice? Think again!
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Early Registration price: $65 for PCBA Members|$80 for McLean County Bar Members|$95 for Non-Members. Registration can be done online at and clicking on the event calendar.
**Registrations increase by $15 the Monday before each seminar**
Are you sure that none of the over 500 enacted bills passed in Springfield affect your practice? Think again!
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Early Registration price: $65 for PCBA Members|$80 for McLean County Bar Members|$95 for Non-Members. Registration can be done online at and clicking on the event calendar.
**Registrations increase by $15 the Monday before each seminar**
- Please include your ARDC number in your registration. We must have your number when we submit our attendance to the MCLE Board or you will not receive credit.
- You will receive materials by email the week of the seminar.
- Continental breakfast included at Saturday morning seminars; snacks provided for Friday afternoon seminars.
- NEW! - Attendance certificates will be emailed after the seminar.
bar committee activities
Board of Governor's Committee Meeting - February 11 12:00 noon
CLE Committee Meeting - February 25 12:00 noon
Board of Governor's Committee Meeting - February 11 12:00 noon
CLE Committee Meeting - February 25 12:00 noon
save the dates
march 17 - CLE - collections
may 8 - law day gala.. an evening event
october 21-22 -gal conference
november 13 - 15 - the isu invitational mock trial tournament

MCBA Breakfast with the Bar
Remember to have “Breakfast with the Bar” every Friday morning between 8:00 am and 9:00 am. It’s a great way to meet and talk with your fellow attorneys in an informal setting. Stay for 10 minutes and have a cup of coffee or stay for an hour and have a full breakfast before court. Grab an associate, partner or friend and come. See you Friday!
Remember to have “Breakfast with the Bar” every Friday morning between 8:00 am and 9:00 am. It’s a great way to meet and talk with your fellow attorneys in an informal setting. Stay for 10 minutes and have a cup of coffee or stay for an hour and have a full breakfast before court. Grab an associate, partner or friend and come. See you Friday!