november 13, 2023 |
NOVEMBER EVENTS 11/14/2023 (Tues.) BOG Meeting 11/17/2023 (Fri.) Breakfast with the Bar 11/21/2023 (Tues.) CLE Presentation-2nd Pres 11/23 & 24/2023 (Thurs. & Fri.) Closed-Thanksgiving DECEMBER EVENTS 12/1/2023 (Wed.) ADR Committee Meeting 12/7/2023 (Thurs.) Clerks Office Closed 12 noon-1:00 pm 12/19/2023 (Tues.) Holiday Luncheon 12/22 & 25/2023 (Fri. & Mon.) Law & Justice Center is Closed 2024 Upcoming Save-The-Dates All Court Holidays & Closures
1/1/2024 (Mon.) 1/15/2024 (Mon.) MLK Day 1/25/2023 (Tues.) CLE Committee Meeting 2/12/2024 (Mon.) Lincoln's Birthday 2/19/2024 (Mon.) Presidents' Birthday 5/27/2024 (Mon.) Memorial Day 6/19/2024 (Wed.) Juneteenth 7/4/2024 (Thurs.) 9/2/2024 (Mon.) Labor Day |
membership renewals 2024
Mr. Akwei Acquaye
Ms. Charlotte Alvarez Mr. Larry Apfelbaum Ms. Megan Bennett Mr. Rob Bennett Mr. Andrew W.B. Bequette Mr. Gregory J. Berg Mr. Anthony J. Blodgett Mr. Jonathan J. Bobell Mr. Alexander P. Boettcher Mr. Brendan Bukalski Mr. Tristan N. Bullington Hon. David W. Butler Mr. Matthew Butler Mr. Sergio Casillas Mr. Michael T. Chalcraft Mr. Spencer Chikahisa Mr. Timothy Cook Mr. Jeffrey V. Crabill Ms. P. Carolina DeLeon-Bond Ms. Lucy Dieckhaus Ms. Erin Donaldson Hon. Scott D. Drazewski Hon. Sarah R. Duffy Mr. Timothy Eckhardt Mr. Randall B. Ehlers Mr. Charles Eisner Mr. James Engelman Ms. Calli Farrell Mr. Michael Fenger Hon. Rebecca S. Foley Ms. Kelly J. Franklin Ms. Michelle Freeman Hon. Robert L. Freitag Mr. Nicholas J. Gab Mr. Aaron S. Galloway Mr. William L. Gregory Ms. Jami Webster Hall Mr. Michael A. Hall Mr. Xuan Han Ms. Grace E. Hannon-Geller Hon. Bradley Hauge Mr. Frank E. Hoffman Ms. Paige Honegger Mr. R. Brian Hug Mr. Christopher C. Jackson Mr. Neil Jackson Hon. Donald W. Knapp, Jr. |
Hon. Mary E. Koll
Hon. Scott KordingMr. Matthew Landry Ms. Mary K. Lawson Mr. Joseph Lehman Mr. Joseph J. Lewis Ms. Emily B. Lewis-Gerig Mr. Michael E. Lill Mr. Jeff W. Lindsay Mr. Marc C. LoroMs. Nicole Mannen Mr. Henry Martin Mr. John D. McAndrews Mr. Joseph McCarron Prof. Thomas E. McClure Mr. Mike McElvain Mr. Bryan J. McIntyre Mr. Todd C. Miller Ms. Sandra A. Molinari Ms. Erin R. Monroe Mr. Carlos Montenegro Ms. Tameka Newman Ms. Michaela Newton Ms. Liz Oglesby Ms. Martha J. Orlowicz Mr. Peter J. Orlowicz Ms. Jennifer L. Patton Mr. Christopher Pratt Ms. Vanessa Pratt Hon. Charles G. Reynard Ms. Jan M. Reynolds Mr. Bradly Rigdon Mr. Joshua P. Rinker Ms. Natiera Robinson Ms. Millicent Roth Mr. Kevin Sheahan Mr. Michael F. Sheldon Mr. Raymond Sheldon Mr. Trevor Sierra Ms. Olivia Smallwood Mr. Charles E. Stuckey Ms. Jennifer L. Stuckey Ms. Totiana Sudduth Hon. Robert M. Travers Mr. Mercer D. Turner II Mr. Robert Varney Mr. Donald W. Wilcox, Jr. Ms. Alexandra N. Williams Ms. Taylor Williams Mr. Stephen F. Wood |
The ISU Mock Trial Program plans to host its 22nd annual invitational tournament in early November 2024. Thank you again to all of our volunteer mock trial judges/evaluators.
Respectfully yours,
Scott Kording ([email protected])
Respectfully yours,
Scott Kording ([email protected])
Tournament 1st Place Team 2023 - Northern Illinois University
- Northern Illinois University (7 wins, 1 tie)
- Illinois State University (7 wins, 1 loss)
- Wheaton College (7 wins, 1 loss)
- Illinois State University (6 wins, 1 loss, 1 tie)
- Wheaton College (6 wins, 2 losses)
Mark your calendar: december 7
The Circuit Clerk’s office will be closed from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 7, 2023, to allow our staff to attend our annual office Holiday Luncheon.
Don R. Everhart, Jr.
Clerk of the Circuit Court
Eleventh Judicial Circuit
County of McLean
Don R. Everhart, Jr.
Clerk of the Circuit Court
Eleventh Judicial Circuit
County of McLean
continuing legal EDUCATION
Tuesday, November 21
Noon-1.00 pm
An Overview & How to Navigate Your Ethical Questions
Hosted by the Underwood Committee
Presented by
David Collins, JD
[up to 1 hour PR CLE - pending approval]
An in-person CLE only.
What is one of a lawyer’s greatest fears? When the ARDC comes calling. Turn that fear into power by attending a CLE hosted by the Underwood Committee, “The ARDC: An Overview and How to Navigate Your Ethical Questions.” David Collins, ARDC Litigation Counsel, will provide an overview of the structure, function and procedure of the Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission. He will discuss how the ARDC can assist attorneys with understanding and applying the Rules of Professional Conduct and the resolution of ethical questions. He will provide an overview of the disciplinary process and outline what to expect if a complaint is filed.
This CLE will qualify for 1 hour of Professional Responsibility credit. [Pending Approval]
Moved to Monday, February 12 for the High School Mock Trial Event
Hon. David Butler, Ret and Hon. Scott Kording
[up to 1.5 hours general CLE pending approval]
Hon. David Butler, Ret and Hon. Scott Kording
[up to 1.5 hours general CLE pending approval]
Understanding the various aspects of traffic offenses can be challenging. This CLE program presents an explanation of the traffic court process, plea agreements and trials of traffic cases, and the consequences of traffic offense convictions. Attorneys who either defend or prosecute traffic violations will be better able to recognize the most important issues in traffic cases and the impact of convictions on driving privileges.
Topics to be covered are:
Courtroom procedure for traffic court in McLean County
Plea Agreements
Trial protocol for Traffic Offenses
Graduated Licensing System
Pleas in minor traffic cases
How to read a SOS driver’s abstract
Suspensions and Revocations
Moving violations
Immediate action offenses
Admissibility of traffic violations in personal injury and property damage cases
Issues in some common traffic offenses
Motions to Suppress based on improper traffic stops
Topics to be covered are:
Courtroom procedure for traffic court in McLean County
Plea Agreements
Trial protocol for Traffic Offenses
Graduated Licensing System
Pleas in minor traffic cases
How to read a SOS driver’s abstract
Suspensions and Revocations
Moving violations
Immediate action offenses
Admissibility of traffic violations in personal injury and property damage cases
Issues in some common traffic offenses
Motions to Suppress based on improper traffic stops
Tuesday, January 16 - State of the Circuit
Monday, January 12 - Traffic
Tuesday, February 20 - Cyber Risk
Tuesday, March 19 - The Allure of Using Paralegals!
Tuesday, April 16 - Lincoln Award of Excellence Panel
Tuesday, May 21 - Diversity & Inclusion Presentation
Tuesday, January 16 - State of the Circuit
Monday, January 12 - Traffic
Tuesday, February 20 - Cyber Risk
Tuesday, March 19 - The Allure of Using Paralegals!
Tuesday, April 16 - Lincoln Award of Excellence Panel
Tuesday, May 21 - Diversity & Inclusion Presentation
recording opportunities
Tuesday, September 19
Noon-1.30 pm
Filing & Defending Civil Pre-Trial Motions
Hon. David Butler, Ret and Thomas McClure, JD
[up to 1.5 hours general CLE - Approved]
Noon-1.30 pm
Filing & Defending Civil Pre-Trial Motions
Hon. David Butler, Ret and Thomas McClure, JD
[up to 1.5 hours general CLE - Approved]
RECORDING ENDS August 30, 2025
Many civil lawsuits are won or lost without a trial. This CLE program presents an in-depth examination of pre-trial motion practice. Some critical aspects of pre-trial Motions To Dismiss and Motions For Summary Judgment will be discussed. This program will help attorneys to recognize various legal bases for the dismissal of a civil lawsuit filed against their client. In addition, learn how to respond to Motions To Dismiss and Motions For Summary Judgment.
Topics to be covered are:
Motions To Dismiss Based on the Pleadings (Sec. 2-615 Motions)
Involuntary Dismissals Based on Certain Defects or Defenses (Sec. 2-619 Motions)
Motions For Summary Judgment
Pre-Trail Motions in Small Claims Cases
Topics to be covered are:
Motions To Dismiss Based on the Pleadings (Sec. 2-615 Motions)
Involuntary Dismissals Based on Certain Defects or Defenses (Sec. 2-619 Motions)
Motions For Summary Judgment
Pre-Trail Motions in Small Claims Cases
mcba mentoring program
needs you!
The McLean County Bar Association Mentoring Program is
seeking attorneys to serve as Mentors.
seeking attorneys to serve as Mentors.
Help us prepare a list of attorneys who are ready and willing to serve as Mentors to the next group of attorneys who pass the Illinois Bar Exam. This is a great opportunity to invest in the next generation of our profession!
A Mentor must be licensed in the state of Illinois for more than five years. As a Mentor you will complete eight meetings with the new lawyer. Upon completion, both the Mentor and the Mentee will qualify for six hours of professionalism credit CLE credit (at no cost), including the required one hour of diversity and inclusion CLE and one hour of mental health and substance abuse CLE. More information can be found at:
If you are interested in serving as a Mentor, please contact the MCBA Mentoring Program Coordinator: Jaime Ganschow at [email protected].
A Mentor must be licensed in the state of Illinois for more than five years. As a Mentor you will complete eight meetings with the new lawyer. Upon completion, both the Mentor and the Mentee will qualify for six hours of professionalism credit CLE credit (at no cost), including the required one hour of diversity and inclusion CLE and one hour of mental health and substance abuse CLE. More information can be found at:
If you are interested in serving as a Mentor, please contact the MCBA Mentoring Program Coordinator: Jaime Ganschow at [email protected].
new to your office?
or maybe an attorney/staff 'on the move'?
If your office has new attorneys and staff, then we would like to update membership on your additions! Maybe you have an attorney making moves within your office. Please click on the link below to submit a little about the new addition and feel free to add a photo as well.
friday breakfast with the bar
join us this friday
8:00 am-9:00 am
**A change in location as of 10/13/2023**
**Ivy Lane Bakery - Downtown Bloomington**
**Ivy Lane Bakery - Downtown Bloomington**
career opportunities
office space available
office suite - 2nd floor - lease
Second floor office suite available for lease. The full floor is available for a single tenant. Previously occupied as an attorney’s office, the space has a perimeter of private office spaces and conference room, open/work area/reception, two (2) restrooms, breakroom, data storage and secured storage areas inclusive in suite. Building has elevator access. Parking adjacent to building.
posted May 2023
306 E grove street, bloomington
freestanding building - FOR SALE
We are pleased to present the former Yoder Law Office Building, now Murphy Building, in Downtown Bloomington for sale. The current business will be relocating, making this unique freestanding office building available. This property has unique characteristics, lots of natural lighting, large private offices with windows, conference rooms, break room and updated mens and womens restrooms, as well as a large storage room. The property has been well maintained and with the adjacent parking lot, this presents a great opportunity for a new or expanding business in Bloomington. Please call to schedule a tour today.
posted May 2023
105 n. center street - downtown blooomington
office - for sale
Downtown Bloomington is home to over 100 shops, restaurants, and services ready to provide you with distinctive merchandise and friendly small town customer service. You can be apart of what makes Downtown great in owning this spectacularly cared for former law office. The property has three stories and a full basement, private offices, conference rooms, storage, vaults, restrooms, library and more.
posted February 2023
Office Space Available
Located one block from the McLean County Law & Justice Center, two offices (209 sq. ft. & 108 sq. ft.) available for rent. The offices are ideal for a single office user or a professional with an administrative assistant. Both offices are newly painted, fully furnished, and move-in ready. Offices have access to kitchen/break room. Conference room available for reservation. Parking included.
For more information, call or text (708) 831-2733.
For more information, call or text (708) 831-2733.
posted January 2023
2nd Floor
121 N Main St., Bloomington, IL
3,625 sq. ft. Total. Smaller space units available.
Parking on site
Call or Text 309-868-1604
posted November 2022
2nd Floor
121 N Main St., Bloomington, IL
3,625 sq. ft. Total. Smaller space units available.
Parking on site
Call or Text 309-868-1604
posted November 2022
bar committee activities
BOG Meeting - November 14 noon
GAL Committee Meeting - November 17 12.15 pm
Scholarship Committee Meeting - November 17 noon
Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee - December 1 noon
The Underwood Committee on Professionalism Meeting - January 12 12.15 pm
CLE Committee Meeting - January 30 noon
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility [DEIA] Committee Meeting – January 30 noon
Quarterly Family Law Bench/Bar Listening Session - February 7 3.30 pm
BOG Meeting - November 14 noon
GAL Committee Meeting - November 17 12.15 pm
Scholarship Committee Meeting - November 17 noon
Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee - December 1 noon
The Underwood Committee on Professionalism Meeting - January 12 12.15 pm
CLE Committee Meeting - January 30 noon
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility [DEIA] Committee Meeting – January 30 noon
Quarterly Family Law Bench/Bar Listening Session - February 7 3.30 pm