March 18, 2024 |
March Events 3/19/2024 (Tues.) CLE Event - rescheduled 3/21/2024 (Thurs.) Social Hour - Shake It Up 3/22/2024 (Fri.) Breakfast with the Bar 3/26/2024 (Tues.) CLE Committee Meeting 3/29/2024 (Fri.) Breakfast with the Bar April Events 4/2/2024 (Tues.) PCPC Committee Meeting 4/10 (Wed.) Social Committee Meeting 4/5/2024 (Fri.) Breakfast with the Bar 4/12/2024 (Fri.) Breakfast with the Bar The Underwood Committee Meeting 4/17/2024 (Wed.) ISU Appellate Court Oral Argument 4/18/2024 (Thurs.) Social Hour 4/19/2024 (Fri.) Breakfast with the Bar 4/26/2024 (Fri.) Breakfast with the Bar May Events 5/1 (Wed.) Law Day 5/3 (Fri.) Breakfast with the Bar 5/7 (Tues.) DEIA Committee Meeting 5/8 (Wed.) Social Committee Meeting 5/10 (Fri.) Breakfast with the Bar ADR Committee 5/17 (Fri.) Breakfast with the Bar 5/19 (Sun.) Family Picnic [6/2 (Sun.)-Rain Date] 5/21 (Tues.) CLE 5/24 (Fri.) Breakfast with the Bar 5/27 (Mon.) Memorial Day 5/31 (Fri.) Breakfast with the Bar June Events 6/3 (Mon.) Golf & PickleBall 6/5 (Wed.) Quarterly Family Law Bench/Bar Listening Session 6/7 (Fri.) Breakfast with the Bar 6/12 (Wed.) Social Committee Meeting 6/14 (Fri.) Breakfast with the Bar 6/19 (Wed.) Juneteenth - Court Closed 6/20 (Thurs.) Annual Meeting 6/21 (Fri.) Breakfast with the Bar 6/28 (Fri.) Breakfast with the Bar 2024 Court Holidays & Closures & MCBA Events
7/4 (Thurs.) Fourth of July Celebration 9/2 (Mon.) Labor Day 11/1-3 (Fri. pm - Sun. am) ISU Invitational Mock Trial Tournament 2025 Court Holidays & Closures & MCBA Events 10/22-23 (Wed. - Thurs.) GAL Certification Seminar |
Social Hour @ Shake it UP
Apfelbaum, Larry
Arkell, Thomas Armstrong, David Ash, Ryan Baker, Howard Bardell, Miles Barnes-Wheeler, Carla Barr, Adrian Barr, Cary B. Bass, James Beard, David Bender, Paul Bennett, Megan - New Member Berna, Susanna Bernardi, Donald Bingaman, Laurel Black, Scott Blodgett, A.J. Bobell, Jonathan Boyle, George Brandt, Peter W. Brandt, Rachel Brown, Jeff Brucker, Gene Bukalski, Brendan Buragas, Amelia Butler, David Butler, Matthew Butts, Michael Campbell, Grant - New Member Carlson, James Carter, Robert J Castagna, Laura Chambers, J. Jason Chapman, Todd Chikahisa, Spencer Coleman, Mary - Student Member Cook, Michael - New Member & New Admit! Corwin, Chip Corwin, Lisa Costigan, Casey Crabill, Jeff Davis, Danielle - New Member Davis, Dean Davis, Julia Day, Brian DeCardy, William Dehn, Joseph Deneen, Daniel DePew, Russell DeVary, Allen DeVivo, Jennifer R. Dies, Darrell Dodds, Geoffrey Donaldson, Erin Donohue, Susan - New Member Dorris, David Drazewski, Scott Duffy, Sarah Duncan, Erin Ehlers, Randall Engerman, Blair Erickson, Chuck Evans, Ethan Eves, Ginny Eves, Pablo Farrell, Calli Feeney III, Charles Feldman, Arthur Fellheimer, Mark Finegan, Jenna Fitt, David E. Fitzgerald, Kevin Fizzell, Mackenzie Flynn, George R. Flynn, Michael Foley, Joseph Foley, Rebecca Fosen, Nannette Fredrick, Aaron Freese, John P. Freitag, Robert Fyans-Jimenez, Angela Fulk, Jake Galloway, Aaron S. Galloway, Brian Gammelgard, Ryan Ganschow, Jaime Garrett, Jackson - Student Member Garwood, Brian Ghrist, Adam Ginzkey, Jim Glenn, Ronda Goldrick, J. Brian Greenburg, Todd - New Member Gregory, William Guido, Daniel - New Member Haas, Carrie Haning, Carissa Hanna, Jillian Harrington, William Hayworth, Alexandra Henderson, Hunt Hiler-Welch, Tammy Hill, Lee Ann Hinch, Nathan Hoffman, Frank Hogan, Patrick - New Member Hornsby, Aaron F. Horve, Jeffrey M. Houska, Nicholas Hundman, Tom Ihnes, Nathan Imeri, Ilir Janello, Frank Johns-Cummings, Miranda Johnson, Douglas B Johnson, Mark Jurgens, Jeffrey Katavich, Hannah |
Kays, Danielle
Kearns, Jenna Kelly, Andrew Kelly, Terence Khokhar, Nargis Kim, John Koetters, Matthew Koll, Mary Kording, Scott Knapp, Don Knecht, James Kraft, Kathleen Landry, Matthew Lawrence, Keelun Lawrence, Paul Lawson, Katie Lawson, Mary K. Leifheit, Whitney *2019 scholarship recipient Lewis, Ronald Lindsay, Jeff W Mahrt, Steve Malin, Michael Mannen, Nicole Maulson, Wendy McCarron, Joe McClure, Thomas E McEldowney, Brian McElvain, Mike McFarland, Amy McGrath, Mark McGrath, Patrick McIntyre, Bryan McManus, Steve Megli, Elizabeth Mennenga, Jaci - Mew Member Merriman, Aaron - New Member Miller, Todd Molchin, Chase Molinari, Sandra Moore Perry, Rachael Moran, Joseph Mosby-Scott, Michelle R Muir, John Nichols, Michael Nieminski, Kristin Novick, Alan Owen, Shannon Patterson, Clayton Patton, Jennifer Petri, Emily Phan, Patricia (Vi-Vi) - New Member Phoenix, David Pinheiro, Douglas - New Member Pliura, Thomas Porter, Robert Powell, Michael Prall, Michael Pratt, Catherine A. Pratt, John L. Querciagrossa, Jason Queen, Craig Ranta, Kayla - New Member Reidy, Sean Reynard, Charles Reynolds, Erika Rich, Craig Ritchie, Chad Rigdon, Bradly Rinker, Joshua Robb, Elizabeth Rogers, Clark Rogers, Jilmala Rohrscheib, Josh Rood, Don Roseberry, Todd Ruble, Nicholas Sanborn, Kevin Sanner, Thomas - New Member Scarborough, Ashley Schaeffer, Rex Shane, Alex Shegog-Parker, Carol Schwiderski, Katelyn - New Member Schwulst, John Shane, Josephine Sheahan, Kevin Sierra, Trevor Skelton, Steven B. Souk, James Spies, Roland Swee, Jean Tallon, Mary Thielen, Paige Thomason, Candice Toney, Sarah Varney, Robert Vazquez, Samantha Vicars-Duncan, Sheila Walker, Clark Wall, Dawn Wallace, Stuart - Mew Member Walley, Samantha Watkins, Robert Weltman, Eitan Wilcox Jr, Donald Williams, Alexandra *2022 scholarship recipient Williams, Taylor *2020 scholarship recpient Wochner, David Wong, Stephanie Wood, George Wood, Megan Wood, Stephen Woolen, Sarah Wright, John Wylder, James Yoder, William Young, Emily Zywiec, Bruce |
Retired Members, Judicial Members or Moved and are keeping in touch through MCBA emails
Brandau, Herman 'Herm'
DeWinter, Danielle
Fraker, Guy
Harrod, Sam
Hartweg, Darrell
Holder, Dan W.
Kenney, Stuart
McKibbin, Ed
Metoyer, Marinna
Moore, Fred B.
Ogar, Helen
O'Neal, Susan
Palmer, Mark
Roth, Rachel
Smalley, Alice
Sternberg, Alan L.
Williams, Robert
Wright, Johnathan
Yedinak, Randy
Yoder, John W.
DeWinter, Danielle
Fraker, Guy
Harrod, Sam
Hartweg, Darrell
Holder, Dan W.
Kenney, Stuart
McKibbin, Ed
Metoyer, Marinna
Moore, Fred B.
Ogar, Helen
O'Neal, Susan
Palmer, Mark
Roth, Rachel
Smalley, Alice
Sternberg, Alan L.
Williams, Robert
Wright, Johnathan
Yedinak, Randy
Yoder, John W.
DEADLINE - April 5th
The McLean County Bar Association is seeking nominations for the Lincoln Award of Excellence. Established in 1997, this award seeks to recognize attorneys for their service to the legal community as well as for their contributions to the community. The nominee must be a member of the McLean County Bar Association, respected as a citizen and member of the legal profession and be an example of the best of our profession who has a demonstrated commitment to public service, public good and who has dedicated his/her effort to improve the quality of life in our community and society.
Retired attorneys who were involved in these activities during their career are also eligible to be nominated.
Retired attorneys who were involved in these activities during their career are also eligible to be nominated.
DEADLINE - March 31st
[note the change of deadline this year]
[note the change of deadline this year]
The MCBA is now accepting nominations for its 2021 Young Lawyer of the Year Award. In order to be considered for the award, one must be (1) under the age of 36 or less than 10 years in practice, and (2) a member in good standing with the McLean County Bar Association. Evaluation criteria include employment history, individual achievements in the practice of law, service to the MCBA, and community/pro bono service.
Appellate Court to Hold Oral Argument
at Illinois State
March Update: Oral argument will take place in Braden Auditorium in the Bone Student Center on Wednesday, April 17, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. sharp. Doors will open at 10:00 a.m. and close at 10:55 a.m. Security will not permit late entry into the auditorium.
This event is open to the public. All spectators will be required to go through metal detectors. Persons attending will not be allowed to bring backpacks into the auditorium. Cell phones must be turned off.
The appellate justices will hear argument on a criminal appeal.
This event is open to the public. All spectators will be required to go through metal detectors. Persons attending will not be allowed to bring backpacks into the auditorium. Cell phones must be turned off.
The appellate justices will hear argument on a criminal appeal.
The Illinois Appellate Court for the Fourth Judicial District will hold oral argument at the Braden Auditorium in the Student Bone Center on the morning of April 17, 2024. This event is co-sponsored by the Department of Politics & Government and the McLean County Bar Association.
The Fourth District is based in Springfield. This judicial body considers appeals filed in trial courts from 41 counties including Rock Island, Winnebago, Sangamon, and McLean Counties. The court typically rules on over 5,000 cases per year.
This is the third time that the Fourth District held oral argument at Illinois State University. The first time was more than a decade ago, and the last time was spring 2023.
Students enrolled in the advanced legal research and writing class offered in the Legal Studies Program will be given assignments based on the case set for argument. Although the court has not announced which case it will hear at ISU, it is expected to be a criminal appeal.
This event is open to the public. All spectators will be required to go through metal detectors. Persons attending will not be allowed to bring backpacks into the auditorium. Cell phones must be turned off.
The Fourth District is based in Springfield. This judicial body considers appeals filed in trial courts from 41 counties including Rock Island, Winnebago, Sangamon, and McLean Counties. The court typically rules on over 5,000 cases per year.
This is the third time that the Fourth District held oral argument at Illinois State University. The first time was more than a decade ago, and the last time was spring 2023.
Students enrolled in the advanced legal research and writing class offered in the Legal Studies Program will be given assignments based on the case set for argument. Although the court has not announced which case it will hear at ISU, it is expected to be a criminal appeal.
This event is open to the public. All spectators will be required to go through metal detectors. Persons attending will not be allowed to bring backpacks into the auditorium. Cell phones must be turned off.
Social Hour & activities
2024 MCBA Social Calendar
Thursday, March 21
Thursday, April 18 Saturday, April 20 May 19 [June 20 Rain Date] June 3 Summer Summer/Fall December |
Social Hour @ Shake It UP - sponsored by The Chicago Title Company
Social Hour Guy Franker's Bus Tour of Lincoln's 8th Judicial Circuit Family Picnic at Dan & Paula Deneen's Home Golf & Pickleball Softball Team - A Schedule will come soon Softball Challenge - The Battle of the Bars Holiday Luncheon |
There are more Social events in the works. If you have ideas or would like to help organize an event, please email Mary at: [email protected]
continuing legal EDUCATION
The Allure of Using Paralegals!
Tuesday, March 19 at noon - Postponed
presented by
Thomas McClure, JD and Carolyn Pitts
[up to 1 hour general CLE - Pending Approval]
presented by
Thomas McClure, JD and Carolyn Pitts
[up to 1 hour general CLE - Pending Approval]
The McLean County Bar Association cordially invites you to a Continuing Legal Education event on The Allure of Using Paralegals, An ABA Model Guideline for Paralegal Utilization and Economic Benefits to Attorneys. Thomas McClure is a Professor and Director of Legal Studies at Illinois State University. Mr. McClure holds the Chair position of the ABA Standing Committee on Paralegals. Carolyn Pitts brings her many years of paralegal experience to this presentation.
Topics to be covered are:
Economic Advantages of Paralegals
Key Guidelines for Utilizing Paralegals
Offer the Non-Economic Value of Paralegals
Topics to be covered are:
Economic Advantages of Paralegals
Key Guidelines for Utilizing Paralegals
Offer the Non-Economic Value of Paralegals
Tuesday, April 16 - Lincoln Award of Excellence Panel - "What Would Abe Do?"
Tuesday, May 21 - Diversity & Inclusion Presentation - "We the People"
Tuesday, April 16 - Lincoln Award of Excellence Panel - "What Would Abe Do?"
Tuesday, May 21 - Diversity & Inclusion Presentation - "We the People"
cle recording opportunities
Originally Recorded
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
presented by
Scott Dunton & Adam Czerwinski
[up to 1 hour general CLE - Approved]
Originally Recorded
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
presented by
Scott Dunton & Adam Czerwinski
[up to 1 hour general CLE - Approved]
RECORDING ENDS February 15, 2026
This CLE will provide a basic understanding of the cyber risks facing law firms and why firms must care. Real-life examples will be shared. Attendees will leave this course with a better understanding on how to mitigate your firm's cyber risk and avoid cyber losses.
Below are comments shared from attendees evaluations...
It was an excellent presentation highlighting pitfalls for the unwary.
With ISBA insurance withdrawing their cybersecurity coverage, I will need to look into other insurance. This presentation assisted in learning areas of inquiry when looking for this kind of insurance.
With ISBA insurance withdrawing their cybersecurity coverage, I will need to look into other insurance. This presentation assisted in learning areas of inquiry when looking for this kind of insurance.
Originally Recorded
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
Filing & Defending Civil Pre-Trial Motions
presented by
Hon. David Butler, Ret and Thomas McClure, JD
[up to 1.5 hours general CLE - Approved]
Originally Recorded
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
Filing & Defending Civil Pre-Trial Motions
presented by
Hon. David Butler, Ret and Thomas McClure, JD
[up to 1.5 hours general CLE - Approved]
RECORDING ENDS August 30, 2025
Many civil lawsuits are won or lost without a trial. This CLE program presents an in-depth examination of pre-trial motion practice. Some critical aspects of pre-trial Motions To Dismiss and Motions For Summary Judgment will be discussed. This program will help attorneys to recognize various legal bases for the dismissal of a civil lawsuit filed against their client. In addition, learn how to respond to Motions To Dismiss and Motions For Summary Judgment.
Topics to be covered are:
Motions To Dismiss Based on the Pleadings (Sec. 2-615 Motions)
Involuntary Dismissals Based on Certain Defects or Defenses (Sec. 2-619 Motions)
Motions For Summary Judgment
Pre-Trail Motions in Small Claims Cases
Topics to be covered are:
Motions To Dismiss Based on the Pleadings (Sec. 2-615 Motions)
Involuntary Dismissals Based on Certain Defects or Defenses (Sec. 2-619 Motions)
Motions For Summary Judgment
Pre-Trail Motions in Small Claims Cases
Below are comments shared from attendees evaluations...
Clearly very knowledgeable & did a great job reviewing these litigation basics.
Thank you for providing so much substantive material.
Both Presenters are knowledgeable, engaging, and good at explaining concepts.
What is one of your take aways? What did you learn today?
* Clearer difference between types of motions
* Best practices for Affidavits
Thank you for providing so much substantive material.
Both Presenters are knowledgeable, engaging, and good at explaining concepts.
What is one of your take aways? What did you learn today?
* Clearer difference between types of motions
* Best practices for Affidavits
Originally Recorded
December 6, 2022
Ethics Rules Every Lawyer Must Know
presented by
Hon. David Butler, Ret and Hon. Thomas Funk
[up to 1 hour PR - Ethics - CLE Credit Approved]
Originally Recorded
December 6, 2022
Ethics Rules Every Lawyer Must Know
presented by
Hon. David Butler, Ret and Hon. Thomas Funk
[up to 1 hour PR - Ethics - CLE Credit Approved]
recording extended end date: december 5, 2024
Please join the McLean County Bar Association in welcoming Judge Butler (Ret.) and Logan County Judge Funk. This one-hour program will survey some of the most important rules of ethics that every attorney should know and the possible consequences of violating these rules. Judge Thomas Funk and Retired Judge David Butler will identify and explain rules of ethics found in the Illinois Code of Professional Conduct. Topics will include: safekeeping of client’s property (trust accounts), duty to report professional misconduct of other attorneys (In re Himmel), dealing with unrepresented persons, confidentiality of information, meritorious claim or contentions, communication with person represented by counsel, firm names and letterhead, attorneys fees, client-lawyer sexual relationships, and ex parte communications with judges.
Below are comments shared from attendees evaluations...
Both presented the material very well.
I appreciated the commentary and use of examples that they used during their presentations.
I appreciated the commentary and use of examples that they used during their presentations.
mcba upcoming events
May 1 - Law Day Luncheon
November 1-3 - ISU Invitational Mock Trial Tournament
November 1-3 - ISU Invitational Mock Trial Tournament
October 22-23 - Guardian Ad Litem Child Representative Certification Seminar
new to your office?
or maybe an attorney/staff 'on the move'?
If your office has new attorneys and staff, then we would like to update membership on your additions! Maybe you have an attorney making moves within your office. Please click on the link below to submit a little about the new addition and feel free to add a photo as well.
friday breakfast with the bar
join us this friday
8:00 am-9:00 am
Ivy Lane Bakery - Downtown Bloomington
Please contact [email protected] if interested in attending.
If you have questions please call Nichole at 312.384.8999
If you have questions please call Nichole at 312.384.8999
career opportunities
office space available
bar committee activities
Law Day Planning Committee Meeting - March 22 4.00 pm
CLE Committee Meeting - March 26 noon
PCPC Meeting - April 2 12.15 pm
BOG Meeting - April 9 noon
Social Committee Meeting - April 10 12.15 pm
GAL 2025 Committee Meeting - April 12 12.15 pm
The Underwood Committee on Professionalism Meeting - April 12 12.15 pm
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility [DEIA] Committee Meeting – May 7 12.15 pm
Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee - May 10 noon
Quarterly Family Law Bench/Bar Listening Session - June 5
Quarterly Family Law Bench/Bar Listening Session - September 4
Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee - September 6 noon
Quarterly Family Law Bench/Bar Listening Session - December 4
Law Day Planning Committee Meeting - March 22 4.00 pm
CLE Committee Meeting - March 26 noon
PCPC Meeting - April 2 12.15 pm
BOG Meeting - April 9 noon
Social Committee Meeting - April 10 12.15 pm
GAL 2025 Committee Meeting - April 12 12.15 pm
The Underwood Committee on Professionalism Meeting - April 12 12.15 pm
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility [DEIA] Committee Meeting – May 7 12.15 pm
Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee - May 10 noon
Quarterly Family Law Bench/Bar Listening Session - June 5
Quarterly Family Law Bench/Bar Listening Session - September 4
Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee - September 6 noon
Quarterly Family Law Bench/Bar Listening Session - December 4